Gaia (Adoa Coelho)

Gaia é a personificação do antigo poder matriarcal das antigas culturas Indo-Européias. É a Grande Mãe que dá e tira, que nutre e depois devora os próprios filhos após sua morte. É a força elementar que dá sustento e possibilita a ordem do mundo. Nos mitos gregos, os conflitos entre Gaia e as divindades masculinas representam a ascensão do poder patriarcal e da sociedade grega sobre os povos pré-existentes.

quarta-feira, 30 de dezembro de 2009

Espelho sujo

É assim que me sinto...
Durante toda a minha vida me vi como um espelho que reflectia toda a gente que me observava, agora vejo-me alterada por essas mesmas pessoas, como se me tivesse sujado com as coisas más que nelas vi...

Não me reconheço ou fui sempre assim?


"Once upon a time there was a planet. In this planet there was a country. In this country there was a village. In this village there was a store.

The owner liked his job and was always very nice to everyone.

Every morning as he was outside cleaning the store windows, people would pass and compliment him:

- Good morning Mr. Monkey!

- Good morning Mr. Smith! – He would answer…

Another client would pass and say:

- Hello Mr. Camel!

- Hello Mr. Johnson! – He would reply…

And still another one would pass and:

- Hi Mr. Dog, how are you doing today?

- Hi Mr. Philips, I’m fine and you?


Day in, day in until the night came and he had to close the shop, he would always retrieve his costumers with gentleness and respect.

Before going to bed, he would kiss his wife good-night by telling her how much he loved her and she would respond:

- Good-night my sweet dear Mr. Mirror!

Sometimes when you think that what you are seeing is the other person; all you are actually seeing is yourself… in a mirror…"

2 comentários:

Quint disse...

Wait a moment ... Gaia and someone else are the same person?

Gaia Adoa Coelho disse...
